Where to listen

February 28, 2023

Defined as ​an “urgent” AMR threat by the US CDC, resistant Acinetobacter baumanii cause deadly infections and are difficult to remove from the environment. Acinetobacter is resistant to many antibiotics and is a frequent cause of hospital acquired infections. In the 2022 Lancet publication on drug-resistant infections (GRAM report), it was identified as the leading pathogen causing mortality in Southeast Asia. This episode will cover how infections caused by resistant Acinetobacter impact patients and on how new treatments are making an impact.


  • Steffanie Strathdee - Associate Dean of Global Health Sciences, University of California San Diego School of Medicine; Author, The Perfect Predator
  • Greg Merril - CEO, Adaptive Phage Therapeutics
  • Patrick McGann - Deputy Director, Multidrug-Resistant Organism Repository and Surveillance Network (MRSN)
  • Jason Bennett - Director, MRSN; Associate Professor of Medicine, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research
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This podcast is co-created by CIDRAP-ASP and the Antimicrobial Resistance Fighter Coalition (ARFC).

Theme music

  • Artist: Derek Sandbeck
  • Song Title: Power Plugs & Superbugs

Our underwriters

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