Regularly featured in trusted media around the world

News organization across the globe seek out context and insights from our trusted staff of experts. We track some of the more notable pieces either written by our staff or about our organization, our people, and our work. 


Oct 11, 2024
CIDRAP announces that it has received funding from the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) to advance its open-access Coronavirus Vaccines Research and Development (R&D) Roadmap

Oct 1, 2024
UMN School of Public Health / CIDRAP announce the establishment of the Michael T. Osterholm Endowed Chair in Infectious Disease Research and Policy.

Aug 15, 2024
In Foreign AffairsDirector Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH, and coauthor Mark Olshaker discuss how governments and international organizations have done far too little to prepare for the next pandemic-causing virus.

Jul 2, 2024
CIDRAP releases two new Research and Development Roadmaps: one for developing tools to combat Nipah virus and the other for tools to combat Lassa fever.

Mar 22, 2024
Star Tribune editorial on how the widening partisan divide may make responding to the inevitable next pandemic even more difficult, featured Director Michael Osterholm.

Feb 14, 2024
Director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH, has received the American Medical Association Award for Outstanding Government Service. He was selected as a recipient of this prestigious award in recognition and honor of his lifetime of work and leadership.

Jan 16, 2024
CIDRAP announces the launch of a multi-country project to prepare for a possible chronic wasting disease (CWD) spillover from deer or other cervids (members of the deer family) to humans or non-cervid farm animals.

Aug 9, 2023
The Washington Post news article “Covid’s Summer Resurgence Resists Easy Answers” features Director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH, among different public health experts.

Jul 27, 2023
Director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH, was interviewed by Minneapolis Star Tribune to discuss his experience with long COVID and where we are in the COVID-19 pandemic journey.

Mar 24, 2022
A article in Vaccine by Kris Moore et al, summarizing the primary content in the Coronavirus Vaccines R&D Roadmap (CVR).

Mar 23, 2023
Director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH, spoke with Minnesota Public Radio on what he’s learned from the past three years of COVID-19 and looks toward the future.

Feb 21, 2023
CIDRAP released a Coronavirus Vaccines R&D Roadmap to advance a new global strategy to develop broadly protective vaccines against continually emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants and the threat of new coronaviruses that may cause pandemics in the future.

Dec 8, 2022
CIDRAP announced the launch a redesigned website, featuring enhanced navigation to make it easier for visitors to access timely and important information. The website’s new architecture improves the functionality and user experience with a modern, mobile-friendly design.

Oct 19, 2022
New York Times editorial on the improvement that remains in preparation fort the next public health emergency, by Director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH, Ezekiel J. Emanuel, MD, PhD, David Michaels, PhD, MPH, and Rick Bright, PhD.

Oct 6, 2022
A commentary in Vaccine by Kris Moore et al, on how the current COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing evolution and emergence of new SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern, present a crucial opportunity for action and highlight the need to improve global pandemic preparedness, particularly through the development of new and improved vaccines.

July 19, 2022
Editorial in Scienceby Director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH, and coauthor Bruce Gellin, MD, MPH, on the coordianted public health work needed to mitigate the impact of the monkeypox outbreak.

Jul 13, 2022
CIDRAP is pleased to welcome Eve Lackritz, M.D., as its new deputy director. Dr. Lackritz is a medical epidemiologist and board-certified pediatrician with over 30 years of experience in domestic and global public health.

Apr 26 2022
CIDRAP has received grants from The Rockefeller Foundation and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to create a Coronavirus Vaccines Research and Development (R&D) Roadmap aimed at developing broadly protective vaccines against betacoronaviruses.

Apr 13 2022
The CIDRAP-ASP team has launched a communication toolkit for antimicrobial resistance (AMR). The toolkit equips doctors and patients with key facts in an accessible format, giving them the resources to raise AMR awareness in their communities.

Mar 25 2022
Commentary in Foreign Affairs, by Director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH, and coauthor Mark Olshaker on how the US and Europe need to be prepared for Russian biological or chemical attacks, as the war in Ukraine continues to escalate.

Jan 23 2022
In Foreign AffairsDirector Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH, and coauthor Mark Olshaker lay out the many uncertainties ahead of us, the messiness of science evolving in real-time, and the importance of vaccination.

Jan 12 2022
Washington Post editorial on how the omicron variant will challenge our ability to keep students, teachers and staff in the classroom, by Director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH, and Cory Anderson, MPH.

Dec 30 2021
Washington Post editorial on how the current omicron surge represents one of the greatest public health challenges of our lifetime, by Director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH, and Ezekiel J. Emanuel.

Dec 11 2021
Director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH, was interviewed by CNN to discuss the latest variants, the importance of boosters, and what's next for the COVID-19 pandemic.

Dec 6 2021
Director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH, spoke with Time Magazine regarding the implications for organizations of the new Omicron variant.

Dec 1 2021
Background Analysis on Progress Toward Meeting Goals and Objectives in the National Action Plan for Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria (2015-2020) was authored by CIDRAP staff (Kristine Moore, MD, MPH, & Anje Mehr, MPH) in support of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine consensus study to examine and quantify the long-term medical and economic impacts of increasing antimicrobial resistance in the United States. 

Nov 21 2021
Director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH, was interviwed by Twin Cities Business to discuss masking, boosters, health care infrastructure, and politics.

Oct 15 2021
Clinical Infectious Diseases review article led by CIDRAP scientists, on how SARS-CoV-2 dose may affect infection rates, but current data do not show an association between viral dose and COVID-19 severity.

Oct 1 2021
The Influenza Vaccines Research & Development (R&D) Roadmap (IVR) and IVR Initiative website were publically launched on September 30, 2021. Coinciding with the IVR launch, A Research and Development (R&D) roadmap for influenza vaccines: Looking toward the future, co-authored by CIDRAP staff (Kristine Moore, MD, MPH, Julie Ostrowsky, MSc, & Anje Mehr, MPH, & Director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH), was published by Vaccine.

Sep 20, 2021
An Assessment of Antibiotic Stewardship Components of Certification Programs in US Animal Agriculture Using the Antibiotic Stewardship Assessment Tool was co-authored by CIDRAP staff (Jamie Umber, DVM, MPH, & Kristine Moore, MD, MPH) and published in Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems

Sep 14, 2021
Cory Anderson, MPH, was featured as part of the UMN graduate students blazing new paths in the One Health movement, discussing his passion both personal and professional when it comes to chronic wasting disease.

May 12, 2021
Barriers and activities to implementing or expanding influenza vaccination programs in low- and middle-income countries: A global surveying paper published by Vaccines is co-authored by CIDRAP staff (Kristine Moore, MD, MPH, Maya Peters, MPH, and Meredith Arpey, MPH).

April 12, 2021
CIDRAP Director and previous Bush Fellowship award winner Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH, was recently profiled by the Bush Foundation.

Mar 23, 2021
Director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH, and his COVID-19 work, including the very successful Osterholm Update: COVID-19 podcast, was profiled by the Minneapolis Star Tribune.

Jan 23, 2021
Director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH, and colleagues have a commentary in Health Affairs on bolstering US pandemic resilience. 

Nov 9, 2020
Director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH, has been named as part of President-elect Joe Biden's 13-member COVID-19 Advisory Board. The board comprises leading public health experts who will advise Biden, Vice-President-elect Kamala Harris, and the transition team’s COVID-19 staff. 

Nov 5, 2020
CIDRAP announced today that it has received a grant from the Carlson Family Foundation to support CIDRAP’s COVID-19 news coverage and related activities.

Sep 30, 2020
CIDRAP has been awarded a grant from the Wellcome Trust to support the enhancement and international reach of the CIDRAP Antimicrobial Stewardship Project (CIDRAP-ASP).

Aug 7, 2020
New York Times editorial on the need of another restrictive lockdown to saves lives and the economy, by Director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH, and Neel Kashkari, MBA, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis.

July 17, 2020
Director Michael Osterholm's career in infectious diseases was profiled by the Mpls St Paul Magazine (Jul 2020).

Apr 28, 2020
New York Times editorial on the status of COVID-19 testing and shortcomings, by Director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH, and Mark Olshaker.

Apr 19, 2020
Centers of Excellence for Influenza Research and Surveillance (CEIRS) CIDRAP staff developed an Influenza Response Plan to improve science preparedness for the CEIRS networks.

Mar 27, 2020
New York Times editorial on stating a number of hard truths about our current situation and how national leadership is crucial in these times, by Director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH, and Mark Olshaker.

Mar 21, 2020
Washington Post editorial on different COVID-19 mitagion strategies and the need for a unified national approach, by Director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH, and Mark Olshaker.

Mar 10, 2020
Director Michael Osterholm was a guest on The Joe Rogan Experience, where he discussed COVID-19, influenza, chronic wasting disease (CWD), and other infectious disease topics.

Feb 28, 2020
A CIDRAP-led team published an article in Current Opinion in Virology highlighting a new effort to track the development of universal influenza vaccine technologies (Ostrowsky et al).

Feb 20, 2020
CIDRAP announces that it has launched the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resource Center that provides a wealth of information for public health experts, business preparedness leaders, government officials, and the public regarding the novel coronavirus disease.

Feb 13, 2020
Washington Post editorial on the crucial need to protect health workers against COVID-19, by Director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH, and Mark Olshaker.

Feb 5, 2020
Time Magazine editorial on why we are so ill-prepared for a possible pandemic-like the novel coronavirus, by Director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH and Mark Olshaker.

Jul 25, 2019
A CIDRAP-led team published an article in mBio on Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in cervids and implications for prion transmission to other animals and humans (Osterholm et al).

Jul 14, 2019
In an interview on, CIDRAP-ASP outreach coordinator Marnie Peterson, PharmD, PhD, and research associate Natalie Vestin, MPH, speak with Timothy Gauthier, PharmD, about the origins of the program, our current activities, and plans for the future.

Jun 30, 2019
CIDRAP-ASP outreach director Marnie Peterson, PharmD, PhD, was the Snowdon Speaker at the Australian Society for Microbiology 2019 Annual Conference, where she gave a presentation on "Reimagining Antimicrobials and Anti-infective Development Strategies."

Mar 19, 2019
CIDRAP announces that it has launched the Chronic Wasting Disease Response, Research and Policy Program (CWD Program) to respond to this wildlife disease crisis and its potential for animal-to-human transmission.

Mar 1, 2019
Director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH, contributes to a commentary in the Lancet Infectious Diseases discussing the value of Twitter to educate and advocate for global antimicrobial stewardship.

Jan 14, 2019
CIDRAP has received a $5.4 million gift from the Walton Family Foundation to address significant drug and medical supply shortages experienced globally.

Oct 16, 2018
Director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH, has a commentary in JAMA detailing why our vulnerability to pandemic flu could be greater today than a century ago.

Jun 8, 2018
Director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH, has been selected by the US Department of State as one of five 2018 U.S. Science Envoys. As a Science Envoy for Health Security, Dr. Osterholm will combat biological threats by working with priority countries on infectious disease preparedness and antimicrobial stewardship.

Mar 1, 2018
The CIDRAP News article “To save a life, doctors turn to bacteria-killing viruses” by Chris Dall, MA, has won third place in the "trade publications/newsletter" category in the Awards for Excellence in Health Care Journalism.

Jan 11, 2018
Second cohort of undergraduate students has completed CIDRAP’s new Honors Seminar “Battling the Bugs: Anthrax, Ebola, and Everyday Life”.  Created and facilitated by CIDRAP Deputy Director, Jill DeBoer, MPH, the seminar is designed to give students a glimpse into the diverse disciplines involved in infectious disease prevention and control.

Jan 9, 2018
New York Times editorial on how the world is woefully unprepared and underfunded for the next influenza pandemic, by Director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH. 

Oct 25, 2017
CIDRAP been selected to work closely with the World Health Organization to develop research and development roadmaps for the creation of medical countermeasures targeting Ebola/Marburg, Nipah, and Lassa viruses.

Oct 12, 2017
Commentary on CDC's past, present, and future challenges in supporting the global health security agenda, by Director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH. 

Sep 13, 2017
STAT commentary on influenza vaccine safety and possible link to miscarriages, by Director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH.

May 24, 2017
Fortune editorial on proposed cuts to domestic and international public health preparedness and medical research, and how they put Americans’ health in serious danger, by Director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH. 

Apr 21, 2017
Director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH, featured in Fortune’s “34 leaders who are changing health care”.

Mar 24, 2017
Editorial on fight against infectious diseases by Director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH, published in The New York Times discusses the effects of reducing research and vaccine development funding, and how this affects our ability to respond to new infectious disease threats.

Mar 14, 2017
Deadliest Enemy: Our War Against Killer Germs book by Director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH, lays out a "Battle Plan for Survival" with a nine-point strategy on how we can keep ourselves safer from emerging infectious disease threats. Preventing a global flu pandemic is the top priority.

Jan 9, 2017
New honors seminar “Battling the Bugs: Anthrax, Ebola, and Everyday Life” developed by Deputy Director Jill DeBoer, MPH, is designed to give students a glimpse into the diverse disciplines involved in infectious disease prevention and control.

Dec 20, 2016
The Atlantic article on whether the next administration is ready to deal with an outbreak of pandemic flu or other emerging disease features commentary by Deputy Director Jill DeBoer, MPH.

Sep 21, 2016
Through a new collaborative called Conscience of Antimicrobial Resistance Accountability (CARA), CIDRAP will continue to be a critical informational platform for healthcare providers on the frontlines of the antimicrobial resistance crisis.

Sep 9, 2016
Science editorial "Ebola and Zika: Cautionary tales" by Director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH. 

Jan 29, 2016
New York Times editorial on Zika epidemic and why we need to be proactive regarding infectious diseases, by Director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH. 

Oct 30, 2015
Lancet Infectious Diseases commentary by Ebola Vaccine Team B experts assembled by the Wellcome Trust & CIDRAP, on vaccine priorities and how the "Team B" approach can serve as a model for other public health emergencies.

Sep 9, 2015
The Ford Lecture Series inaugural address by Director Michael Osterholm: "Infectious Diseases of the 21st Century: A New World Order," on Tuesday, Sept. 29, in Pellegrene Auditorium - Saint John's University, Collegeville, MN. The series covers cutting-edge scientific topics and their relevance to everyday life.

Jul 26, 2015
Annual CEIRS Network Meeting keynote lecture delivered by Director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH. Dr. Osterholm provided an update on human influenza outbreaks worldwide and noted the need for preparedness activities to be taken in advance of the next potential pandemic. 

Jun 17, 2015
University of Minnesota Regents Professorship awarded to Director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH. Created in 1965, the Regents Professorship is the highest faculty recognition given by the university, and Osterholm's honor is the first ever for the School of Public Health. Regents Professors exhibit outstanding scholarly or artistic work, high-quality teaching, and extensive contributions to the public good.

Mar 4, 2015
Grand Challenges Research Strategies Group recently formed to help shape research priorities at the University of Minnesota includes Director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH, among the distinguished faculty members in the group.

Mar 2, 2015
CBE—Life Sciences Education (LSE) highlights CIDRAP alongside WHO and CDC in review of online resources providing extensive information on infectious diseases and outbreaks.

Feb 26, 2015
Bioterrorism chapter published in the Oxford Textbook of Global Public Health (6 ed.) is authored by Research Associate Nicholas Kelley, PhD, and Director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH.

International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) hosted a presentation and discussion on Ebola and vaccination led by Editorial Director Jim Wappes and Project Manager Carlos R. Cruz.

Feb 19, 2015
Transmission of Ebola Viruses: What We Know and What We Do Not Know paper published in mBio is co-authored by Director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH, Medical Director Kristine Moore, MD, MPH, and Research Associate Nicholas Kelley, PhD, et al.

Feb 17, 2015
Recommendations for Accelerating the Development of Ebola Vaccines: Report & Analysis is released by CIDRAP and the Wellcome Trust help guide global efforts to expedite the availability of effective and safe Ebola vaccines.

Feb 1, 2015
Up Close with Michael Osterholm article in Legacy magazine features a Q&A session with Director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH.

Jan 15, 2015
Fast-Track Development of Ebola Vaccines: Principles and Target Product Criteria, a draft road map for the expedited development, testing, manufacture, delivery, and financing of Ebola vaccines, is released by CIDRAP and the Wellcome Trust.

Jan 7, 2015
Methods of auditing Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) are addressed in a paper co-authored by senior veterinary epidemiologist Jamie Umber, DVM, MPH, published in Foodborne Pathogens and Disease.

Nov 7, 2014
Outbreak: The Global Battle Against Ebola session at the 2014 Net Impact Conference features News Reporter Lisa Schnirring as moderator.

Oct 31, 2014
Responding to the Ebola Crisis conference call convened by the Council on Foreign Relations features Director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH.

Oct 16, 2014
Response to statements falsely attributed to CIDRAP regarding Ebola transmission.

Oct 15, 2014
Ebola corporate preparedness and risk assessment webinar featured Director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH, and Myles Druckman, MD, of International SOS Assistance, Inc. The webinar included participants from 6 countries and 23 states. A recording of the webinar is available for purchase.

Oct 14, 2014
Symposium on Ebola: Crisis, Context, and Response, hosted by Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, featured Director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH. Video of the lecture is available here.

Oct 10, 2014
Public Health in the Age of Ebola in West Africa viewpoint by Director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH, Medical Director Kristine Moore, MD, MPH, and Lawrence Gostin, JD, Director of the O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law, Georgetown Law, is published in JAMA Internal Medicine.

Oct 9, 2014
Science Museum of Minnesota “Social Science” event attended by more than 1,500 people includes a presentation on Ebola by program coordinator Natalie Vestin, MPH.

Oct 7, 2014
McKnight Presidential Chair in Public Health awarded to Director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH.

Oct 4, 2014
The spread of tick-borne pathogens in Minnesota is addressed in a paper co-authored by senior veterinary epidemiologist Jamie Umber, DVM, MPH, published in EcoHealth.

Sep 30, 2014
Urgent need for Ebola vaccine addressed in a commentary by Director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH, in Politico Magazine.

Sep 11, 2014
Editorial on the Ebola epidemic by Director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH, published in The New York Times addresses two possible scenarios and what needs to be done now.

Aug 1, 2014
Editorial on Ebola by Director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH, published in The Washington Post.

Jul 29, 2014
Ebola story on MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Reports features interview with Director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH.

Jun 30, 2014
Tools addressing select CDC public health preparedness capabilities are identified and ranked in a new report from NACCHO developed in collaboration with CIDRAP’s Public Health Practices staff.

May 16, 2014
MERS webinar featuring director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH, and fellow Pritish Tosh, MD, scheduled for May 22.

May 13, 2014
MERS story on NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams includes interview with director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH.

May 2, 2014
National Health Security Preparedness Index (NHSPI) recently appointed Public Health Practices director Kathleen Kimball-Baker as Activity Lead for assessing the use and usefulness of the Index.

Apr 14, 2014
Employee Spotlight: deputy director Jill DeBoer, MPH, profiled by the University of Minnesota Academic Health Center.

Mar 28, 2014
MERS article published in Science examines the role of camels in the outbreak and quotes director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH.

Mar 20, 2014
Editorial on triclosan legislation by Director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH, published in Minneapolis StarTribune.

Mar 17, 2014
Employee Spotlight: program coordinator Natalie Vestin, MPH, profiled by the University of Minnesota Academic Health Center.

Mar 7, 2014
2014 Alumni Award of Merit awarded to deputy director Jill DeBoer, MPH, by the University of Minnesota School of Public Health.

Mar 3, 2014
Employee Spotlight: project manager Carlos R. Cruz profiled by the University of Minnesota Academic Health Center.

Feb 11, 2014
Keynote lecture for this year’s Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention (OSAP) annual symposium, June 5-8 in Minneapolis, MN,to be delivered by Director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH.

Jan 6, 2014
Employee Spotlight: associate director Elaine Collison, MPA, profiled by the University of Minnesota Academic Health Center.

Jan 1, 2014
Research associate Nicholas Kelley, PhD, is appointed as a commissioner on the Advisory Board of Health for the city of Bloomington, MN.

Dec 4, 2013
U.S. preparedness index launches with Public Health Practices director Kathleen Kimball-Baker serving on the Stakeholder Communications Workgroup.

Oct 23, 2013
Social media outreach to public health professionals addressed in new report authored by program coordinator Natalie Vestin, MPH.

Oct 11, 2013
Influenza vaccines presentation by director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH, at Minnesota Department of Health Annual Immunization Conference.

Sep 20, 2013
MERS outbreak story from National Public Radio includes commentary from director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH.

Aug 19, 2013
Antibiotic use in animal feed issue brief co-authored by senior veterinary epidemiologist Jamie Umber, DVM, MPH, and director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH.

Aug 14, 2013
Regional emergency response exercise includes participation of deputy director Jill DeBoer, MPH, associate director Elaine Collison, MPA, project manager Carlos R. Cruz, and research associate Nicholas Kelley, PhD.

Aug 1, 2013
Public Health Practices program has been awarded a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to support continued availability of resources and a strategic assessment.

Jul 9, 2013
One Health article co-authored by senior veterinary epidemiologist Jamie Umber, DVM, MPH

Jun 13, 2013
Flu vaccine effectiveness article by research associate Nicholas Kelley, PhD

Jun 6, 2013
Universal flu vaccines article by research associate Katie Ballering, PhD 

May 9, 2013 
JAMA viewpoint article on challenges of providing H7N9 vaccine (See also: related CIDRAP article)

May 9, 2013
New York Times commentary by director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH

April 6, 2013
NBC Nightly News interview on H7N9 with director Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH

Apr 1, 2013
Excellence in Leadership: Associate director Elaine Collison, MPA, designated as Academic Health Center representative to U of M President’s Excellence in Leadership (PEL) Program