"The movement of milk is very, very closely monitored. It [anonymized testing of milk on farms for avian flu] could give us a sense if there are certain areas of activity."

"We don’t want to scare them [farm workers] off from continuing to work [amid the H5N1 avian flu outbreak in cattle]. We need to provide some kind of protection—both from a legal and health perspective."

"You can't count on [a pandemic being a once-in-a-century event] at all. It's random and unpredictable, and the world's conditions favoring influenza and coronavirus pandemics have only increased with time, with more opportunities for contacts with animal populations that will result in spillovers."

"What I would like to know is in terms of [H5N1 avian flu] transmission issues, is how many of these current farms that are turning up positive can trace back cattle movement to the original outbreak farms. If that can’t happen, it greatly complicates how you try to stop ongoing transmission in dairy cattle.”

“For this virus [H5N1 avian flu] to become adapted in a way that it can be transmitted by humans to humans is going to take a number of changes, and we have not seen those changes."

“Cases like this [symptomatic human H5N1 avian flu infection] are not surprising. We’ve seen that throughout the history of H5 infection that there are occasional human cases of flulike illness that occur among these people that are exposed. The real concern is when we see person-to-person transmission. And there’s no evidence here at all of that.”

“What’s happening with the bovine population [avian flu] is incredibly interesting. But I don’t think there’s any evidence here yet that H5N1 is an imminent human threat."

“Where I’d get concerned is if we see genetic changes that allow this virus [H5N1 avian flu] to [easily] attach to the respiratory tract cells of a human."

"The first thing we have to do is eliminate the sense of what I call happy talk. Estimates of [H5N1 avian flu vaccine] stockpiles that currently exist, and the potential to use them should this virus emerge into a human pathogen where it's transmitted by humans to humans, I think have been unfortunately overstated."

"I have been pushing USDA [US Department of Agriculture] and the FDA [Food and Drug Administration] over the course of the past few weeks. We've got to do much more [H5N1 avian flu] sampling in swine. That is the gateway to human infection."

"This [H5N1 avian flu] virus has largely saturated dairy cattle throughout the country."

“I wouldn’t have any problem drinking milk tonight from an [H5N1] influenza standpoint at all. My grandchildren could drink the milk tonight.”

"That [transparency and clear communication] to me is being missed here [in US Department of Agriculture communication on H1N1 avian flu in cattle]. And I can’t for the life of me understand why. This is a serious public health challenge, but it shouldn’t be a media challenge. And they’re turning it into one."

"They [US Department of Agriculture officials] are creating the perception that something [H1N1 avian flu spread to atypical hosts] is happening or not happening that would not meet with the public’s approval. And this is really unfortunate. There’s no evidence here that there’s some kind of a smoking gun, that somebody did something wrong. Just tell us what you’re doing.”

“It [spike in US measles cases] doesn't bode well for what the future might bring. Because we're just going to continue to see more and more international travel. Meanwhile, we're continuing to see even more widespread measles transmission around the world. And that combination is a very, unfortunately, deadly combination.”

“This [low risk of H5N1 avian influenza infecting humans] all could change in a heartbeat with additional mutations. But there’s no evidence this virus has changed [with infection of cattle]."

“The [H5N1 avian flu] virus doesn’t have the right lock and key to get into our cells as it does the bird cells and so the virus has to change some to have that happen."

"Over the course of the last 20 years, we've been fighting the issue of vaccine safety and the fact that parents don't believe they're safe. What we're seeing now is major rejections of vaccines; it's not about safety, it's about 'Don't tell me what the hell to do.'"

"Is the [COVID-19] pandemic over for some people earlier than it is for others? That doesn’t seem to make sense. That’s kind of like saying that there’s two different temperatures in Minneapolis in one night."

"Our hospitals have let us down [by not requiring the use of N95 respirators]."