CIDRAP Leadership Forum
Membership in the CIDRAP Leadership Forum (CLF) connects decision-makers to intelligence they can trust when they need it most
When infectious disease threats emerge, executives need rock-solid intelligence to make decisions they can stand by. The Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) at the University of Minnesota is a leading authority for clear, candid, science-based insight. CIDRAP is consulted worldwide by multinational firms, governments, health agencies, and media for nimble, practical, and applicable answers to their questions.
The CLF is a high-value, highly responsive service offered by CIDRAP that ensures businesses and organizations have rapid access to critical intelligence on emerging infectious disease threats and public health issues. Members say CLF provides insight and analysis they cannot find easily elsewhere.
What is the CIDRAP Leadership Forum (CLF)?
CLF members connect with Michael T. Osterholm, PhD, MPH, an international authority on emerging infectious diseases, and the comprehensive team of CIDRAP experts through special communications, conference calls, Webinars, and special CLF events.
How does membership in the CIDRAP Leadership Forum work?
CIDRAP offers a variety of benefits to CLF members, including the following (for more detailed description of these benefits, please visit the CLF Benefits page).
Emerging Situation Intelligence CALLS
Interactive conference calls held under the Chatham House Rule and led by CIDRAP Director Michael T. Osterholm, arranged when threats emerge or escalate suddenly. These rapid response calls provide real-time situation updates and immediate opportunities to seek candid and authoritative answers to questions needed to inform key business decisions. (Scheduled as warranted)
One-on-One Consultations
Private phone consultations with CIDRAP Director Michael T. Osterholm and CIDRAP staff. During an unfolding crisis, having guaranteed access to CIDRAP’s director and team ensures CLF member organizations have the best possible intelligence for making critical decisions. (Up to four consultations per year, scheduled at member’s request).
Infectious Disease Briefings
Bimonthly one-hour Webinars that provide comprehensive situation updates on specific disease threats that CIDRAP is tracking and offer time for members to seek answers to specific questions. (Scheduled months in advance)
As a health service supporting a globally distributed staff, we are regularly called upon to evaluate such threats and to make decisions on how best to advise and protect our staff and their families. It is extremely beneficial to have access to a group such as CIDRAP, where colleagues with similar responsibilities can share challenges and solutions, and be guided by unbiased experts.
Brian Davey, MD
Director, Health Services Department
Decision-Point DIALOGUES
Interactive topical Webinars hosted during non-crisis periods to inform key organizational decisions on such issues as stockpiling antiviral medication and evaluating travel policies during outbreaks. Held under the Chatham House Rule, Decision-Point Dialogues provide an opportunity to hear from experts and exchange ideas with peers. (Arranged periodically)
CLF Annual Meeting
Opportunity to interact with other CLF members and CIDRAP infectious disease and public health experts in a relaxed professional setting. The annual meeting provides a venue for a deeper dive into emerging infectious disease threats and organizational preparedness issues; benchmarking best practices; and examining strategies for private-sector feedback. (Hosted in the fall)
Daily News Service
Curated daily news email with selected infectious disease news stories, as to ensure access to timely and relevant intelligence. (Daily)
Periodic emails that call attention to noteworthy reports, studies, and news items. (Sent as warranted)
Public Recognition
Acknowledgement on the CIDRAP Web site and in CLF Annual Meeting materials. (Maintained on calendar year basis)
Membership Levels
Two levels of CLF membership ensure that organizations of all sizes can connect to the intelligence they need when infectious disease threats emerge.
Executive Level Membership
- Designed for multinational organizations, typically with a large base of employees, and non-governmental organizations with global health, humanitarian, and development missions that operate in regions where emerging infectious disease threats are high.
- Executive member organizations are in such industries as pharmaceuticals, health services delivery, financial services, medical devices, energy, critical infrastructure, transportation, logistics, large-scale manufacturing, international hospitality, and legal services.
- Executive member organizations are ones that seek private consultation to ensure large investments in preparedness and response are built on current authoritative intelligence.
Partner Level Membership
- Designed for growing businesses and professional organizations that need real-time access to the most reliable infectious disease available to inform critical decisions that must be made with confidence.
- Partner member organizations may have operations that supply product or services to large multinational firms or are professional associations that represent multinational, medium, and smaller firms whose employees work in industries and regions where emerging infectious diseases pose a threat to people and operations.
- Partner-level members benefit from opportunities to direct pertinent questions to CIDRAP infectious disease experts, hear what concerns other organizations are addressing, and network with CLF members from a wide variety of sectors.
Over the past 20 years, CIDRAP has convened face-to-face summits, workshops, interactive Webinars, and inter-disciplinary working groups to provide organizations the fastest, most cost-effective access to critical intelligence. CIDRAP’s insight, analysis, and real-world tools have been used by a wide variety of health and security agencies, foundations, and businesses including: World Bank Group, WHO, CDC, NIH, Wellcome Trust, Sloan Foundation, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Bentson Foundation, 3M Corporation, United Health Foundation, Novartis, Gilead, Ecolab, Prudential, American Public Health Association, New York Department of Health and Hygiene, Association of State and Territorial Health Officials, and the National Association of County and City Health Officials.
How can I get additional information?
Please contact Carlos R. Cruz at (612) 626-7694 /
CLF Members
- 3M
- Bentson Foundation
- Exxon Mobil
- Mayo Clinic
- Reinsurance Group of America
- United Health Group
- University of MN, Health Emergency Response Office
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