March 21, 2023
Over the past decade, several strains (types) of Salmonella typhi have become resistant to multiple antibiotics. Resistant strains have been identified across the globe. However, the 2018 launch of a vaccine has slowed infections. It is estimated that TCV introduction with a catch-up campaign will avert 42.5 million cases and 506,000 deaths caused by fluoroquinolone-resistant typhoid fever, and 21.2 million cases and 342,000 deaths from multidrug-resistant typhoid fever over 10 years following introduction. This episode will cover the impact of vaccinations and the successes and challenges to deploy effective programs.
- Farah Naz Qamar - Pediatric Infectious Disease Associate Professor, The Aga Khan University, Pakistan
- Kathy Neuzil - Director of the Center for Vaccine Development and Global Health, University of Maryland School of Medicine
- Denise Garrett - Vice President, Applied Epidemiology, Sabin Vaccine Institute
- Calman MacLennan - Senior Program Officer, Bacterial Vaccines, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
For more information on the impact of typhoid conjugate vaccines and AMR, check out CIDRAP-ASP's report, A Vaccine Is a Bridge: The New Era of Typhoid Prevention.
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This podcast is co-created by CIDRAP-ASP and the Antimicrobial Resistance Fighter Coalition (ARFC).
Theme music
- Artist: Derek Sandbeck
- Song Title: Power Plugs & Superbugs
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