COVID-19 Scan for Mar 25, 2022

News brief

Delta, Omicron COVID-19 variants caused more cases in pregnant women

The highly transmissible Delta and Omicron SARS-CoV-2 variants caused triple and 10 times the rate of COVID-19 infections in pregnant women compared with other strains, with most cases among unvaccinated mothers and their newborns, finds a prospective study yesterday in JAMA.

University of Texas researchers studied the outcomes of pregnant women diagnosed as having COVID-19 at a Dallas healthcare system. The study spanned the pre-Delta period (May 17, 2020, to Jun 26, 2021), the Delta period (Jun 27 to Dec 11, 2021), and the Omicron era (Dec 12, 2021, to Jan 29, 2022). COVID-19 vaccines became available in December 2020.

A total of 2,641 maternal COVID-19 infections were diagnosed, with 1,298 pre-Delta (median per week, 17), 431 in the Delta period (14), and 912 during Omicron (138).

Two infected mothers (0.15%) had completed the primary COVID-19 vaccine series before the emergence of Delta, while 49 (11.4%) and 256 (28.1%) did so during the Delta and Omicron periods, respectively. Of the 2,641 infections, 112 (4.2%) were severe or critical, including 53 (4.1%) before Delta (0 vaccinated), 51 (11.8%) amid Delta (2 vaccinated), and 8 (0.9%) during Omicron.

Relative to the pre-Delta period, the Delta and Omicron eras were tied to increased maternal infections (incidence rate ratios, 3.07 and 10.09, respectively). While Delta was associated with increased illness severity (odds ratio [OR], 2.93), Omicron was linked to milder infections (OR, 0.20) after adjustment for vaccination.

Of 1,919 newborns, 1,015 were tested for COVID-19, with 32 (3.1%) testing positive (pre-Delta, 13; Delta, 8; Omicron, 11). No infection was severe. Newborn positivity was similar in all periods. Twenty-nine infants (90.6%) were born to mothers with mild infections, and 18 of 20 (90%) infected babies were born after December 2020 to vaccine-eligible but unvaccinated women.

The researchers said they could not determine whether the lower COVID-9 severity during Omicron was related to increasing numbers of pregnant women with previous infections (perhaps imparting some protection against severe illness) or to properties of the variant itself.

The study authors concluded, "Long-term risks of early neonatal SARS-CoV-2 infection are unknown, but maternal vaccination may be protective."
Mar 24 JAMA research letter


Different variants produce varied long COVID symptoms, study suggests

Pre–Delta variant data to be presented next month at the European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases (ECCMID) meeting in Portugal suggest that different variants of COVID-19 may produce different symptoms in people who develop long COVID.

The research is based on outcomes seen in 428 COVID-19 case-patients at the University of Florence and Careggi University Hospital in Italy. The patients were seen from June 2020 to July 2021, when the Alpha variant was the dominant strain and before the Delta and Omicron variants rose to prominence.

Seventy-six percent of the patients reported at least one persistent symptom of COVID-19 during follow-up, including shortness of breath (37%) and chronic fatigue (36%) followed by sleep problems (16%), vision problems (13%), and brain fog (13%).

Compared to men, women were twice as likely to develop long COVID, and patients on immunosuppressive drugs were six times more likely.

The authors also found a change in long COVID symptoms when comparing patients who had Alpha variant to those infected with the original, wild-type strain. Myalgia, insomnia, brain fog and anxiety and depression significantly increased with the Alpha strain, while anosmia (loss of smell), dysgeusia (difficulty in swallowing), and impaired hearing were less common.

"This is the first time they [symptoms] have been linked to different COVID-19 variants," said Michele Spinicci, MD, the lead researcher of the study, in an ECCMID press release. "Future research should focus on the potential impacts of variants of concern and vaccination status on ongoing symptoms."
press release

ASP Scan (Weekly) for Mar 25, 2022

News brief

Our weekly wrap-up of antimicrobial stewardship & antimicrobial resistance scans

Study finds high childhood antibiotic exposure in low-resource countries

A study this week in Clinical Infectious Diseases reveals high levels of childhood antibiotic exposure in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).

For the study, Swiss and British researchers used the Demographic and Health Survey, which collects nationally representative household-level data on the health of women and children, to estimate the average number of antibiotic treatments received in the first 5 years of life in 45 LMICs. The 2-week point prevalence of fever, diarrhea, or cough and antibiotic treatment for these illnesses were estimated for ages 0 to 59 months and aggregated to estimate cumulative illness and antibiotic treatment for each country.

The researchers also estimated treatment rates and the contribution to total antibiotic use attributable to medical care, informal care, and self-medication.

The 45 countries contributed 438,140 child-observations. On average, 38.7% of children had experience illness in the 2 weeks before the survey, and 38.4% of children with illness received antibiotics, including 42.7% of febrile and 32.9% of non-febrile illnesses. Within countries, the proportion of sick children ranged from 10% in Niger to 72% in Jordan.

Across the 45 countries, the researchers estimate that children experienced an average of 50.6 illnesses over their first 5 years and received an average of 18.5 antibiotic treatments. The average number of antibiotic treatments ranged from 3.7 in Niger to 38.6 in the Republic of the Congo. A median of 68.7% of antibiotic treatments were attributable to medical care, 9% to informal care, and 16.9% to episodes for which no care was sought.

The study authors say a substantial proportion of the documented antibiotic use is likely inappropriate, and that the findings highlight the challenges in balancing access and excess antibiotic use in LMICs.

"Context-specific policies and tools to support appropriate empiric treatment and guideline adherence, limit inappropriate use, and stewardship programs that address health systems and informal drug sources are needed," they wrote. "Countries should consider care-seeking and community treatment practices to identify opportunities and ideal intervention points to support optimal antibiotic use."
Mar 23 Clin Infect Dis abstract


Rapid PCR tests for suspected Strep A infections tied to less antibiotic use

Originally published by CIDRAP News Mar 24

Implementation of point-of-care (POC) polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests for patients with acute pharyngitis symptoms as part of a broader antibiotic stewardship initiative was associated with a significant reduction in inappropriate antibiotic use at outpatient clinics in California, researchers reported today in Open Forum Infectious Diseases.

The retrospective before-and-after study assessed the impact of switching from a rapid antigen detection test (RADT) to a rapid POC PCR assay for patients with suspected group A beta-hemolytic Streptococcus pyogenes (Strep A) infection at 15 outpatient clinics in the University of California (UC) Davis health system. RADTs are the standard-of-care for Strep A, but because they have low sensitivity and negative results require time-consuming microbiologic culture confirmation, patients frequently receive inappropriate empiric antibiotic therapy.

Using patient medical records, UC Davis researchers compared antibiotic use when RADTs were used (the control period, June 2017 to May 2018) with the first complete season when the POC PCR testing strategy was implemented (the intervention period, June 2018 to May 2019).

Analysis of 10,081 eligible patient records showed that rates of antibiotic prescribing within 14 days of the initial clinic visit were similar during the intervention and control period (25.1% vs 26.2%, respectively). But among the patients who had a negative POC PCR result, the researchers recorded a 44.1% reduction in the number of antibiotics prescribed during the intervention period (10.1% vs 18%, respectively). Rates of antibiotic prescribing varied across sites, ranging from 10.7% to 33.8% during the intervention period and 12.4% to 34.4% during the control period.

The use of POC PCR tests had no impact on prescription rates in patients with positive results compared with RADTs (76.2% vs 76.5%, respectively).

"The prescribing changes between the intervention and control periods demonstrate that the greater diagnostic accuracy of the POC PCR, compared with that of the RADT, allows clinicians to have greater certainty in the result, and reduces the likelihood of the clinician resorting to empiric antibiotic therapy," the authors write, adding that adherence to an algorithm directing appropriate management of suspected Strep A also likely played a role in the reduced prescribing.
Mar 24 Open Forum Infect Dis abstract


Project will analyze hospital wastewater for antibiotics, resistant bacteria

Originally published by CIDRAP News Mar 22

The Partnership for European Environmental Research (PEER) yesterday reported the launch of a new project that will use hospital wastewater to assess how antimicrobial stewardship programs are affecting levels of antibiotics and resistant bacteria released into the environment.

The £1.25 million ($1.65 million US) STRESST project (Antimicrobial Stewardship in Hospitals, Resistance Selection and Transfer in One Health context) will use a novel wastewater sampling technique developed by the UK Centre for Hydrology & Ecology (UKCHE) in response to the COVID-19 pandemic to collect and analyze wastewater from a hospital in Malawi. Investigators from UKCHE, the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, the University of Bergen, and Wageningen Bioveterinary Research will analyze the water for levels of antibiotics, susceptible and resistant bacteria, and rates of transfer of resistance genes.

The project will ultimately aim to determine if antibiotics present in the hospital wastewater promote selection and sharing of resistance genes among bacteria, how the release of this water into the environment affects microbial communities in the animals that drink it, and whether antimicrobial stewardship programs can reduce the flow of antibiotics and resistant bacteria into the environment.

"We are really excited to be field-testing several next-generation wastewater sampling kits in Malawi to understand the impact of different antibiotic management programmes on the presence of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in the hospital population," principal investigator Andrew Singer of UKCHE said in a PEER news release.
Mar 21 PEER news release


Fewer antibiotics for non-COVID patients with fever, respiratory symptoms

Originally published by CIDRAP News Mar 21

Researchers at a hospital in China found an 8.3% decline in antibiotic use among patients with non-COVID fever and respiratory symptoms during the pandemic, likely because of heightened awareness of viral pathogens, according to a study published late last week in the Journal of Infection.

The retrospective study of 4,589 patients with fever and respiratory symptoms treated in the outpatient service at a hospital in Shanghai compared antibiotic use in the 2,617 patients treated in the pre-pandemic period (May 2019 to October 2019) with 1,972 treated in the peri-pandemic period (May 2021 to October 2021). The researchers hypothesized that there might be reduced antibiotic use under China's "dynamic zero-COVID policy," in which physicians were recommended to perform SARS-CoV-2 PCR tests, chest computed tomography (CT) scans, and C-reactive protein (CPR) and complete blood count (CBC) tests on all patients who had fever and respiratory symptoms.

The study found that rates of chest CT scans (45.3% vs 4.1%), CPR (60.3% vs 0.2%), and CBC (89.4% vs 63.5%) tests were higher in the peri-pandemic period than in the pre-pandemic period, and the rate of antibiotic use was lower (67% vs 73.1%). Receipt of combination antibiotics (11.5% vs 24.3%) and intravenous antibiotics (37.8% vs 52%) was also lower.

But multivariable logistic regression analysis found that neither CT scans (odds ratio [OR], 1.01; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.83 to 1.22) nor CRP (OR, 0.93; 95% CI, 0.78 to 1.11) tests were associated with the decrease in antibiotic use. Only treatment during the peri-pandemic period (OR, 0.76; 95% CI, 0.64 to 0.92) was associated with decreased antibiotic use.

"Therefore, reducing antibiotic use in the peri-pandemic cohort might be primarily explained as the increased awareness of viral pathogens through the education of COVID-19," the study authors wrote. "In conclusion, from the perspective of antimicrobial stewardship, only adding CRP test and chest CT scan on fever patients with respiratory symptoms cannot reduce the rate of antibiotic use in outpatient settings in mainland China."
Mar 18 J Infect study

News Scan for Mar 25, 2022

News brief

Study finds high childhood antibiotic exposure in low-resource countries

A study this week in Clinical Infectious Diseases reveals high levels of childhood antibiotic exposure in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).

For the study, Swiss and British researchers used the Demographic and Health Survey, which collects nationally representative household-level data on the health of women and children, to estimate the average number of antibiotic treatments received in the first 5 years of life in 45 LMICs. The 2-week point prevalence of fever, diarrhea, or cough and antibiotic treatment for these illnesses were estimated for ages 0 to 59 months and aggregated to estimate cumulative illness and antibiotic treatment for each country.

The researchers also estimated treatment rates and the contribution to total antibiotic use attributable to medical care, informal care, and self-medication.

The 45 countries contributed 438,140 child-observations. On average, 38.7% of children had experience illness in the 2 weeks before the survey, and 38.4% of children with illness received antibiotics, including 42.7% of febrile and 32.9% of non-febrile illnesses. Within countries, the proportion of sick children ranged from 10% in Niger to 72% in Jordan.

Across the 45 countries, the researchers estimate that children experienced an average of 50.6 illnesses over their first 5 years and received an average of 18.5 antibiotic treatments. The average number of antibiotic treatments ranged from 3.7 in Niger to 38.6 in the Republic of the Congo. A median of 68.7% of antibiotic treatments were attributable to medical care, 9% to informal care, and 16.9% to episodes for which no care was sought.

The study authors say a substantial proportion of the documented antibiotic use is likely inappropriate, and that the findings highlight the challenges in balancing access and excess antibiotic use in LMICs.

"Context-specific policies and tools to support appropriate empiric treatment and guideline adherence, limit inappropriate use, and stewardship programs that address health systems and informal drug sources are needed," they wrote. "Countries should consider care-seeking and community treatment practices to identify opportunities and ideal intervention points to support optimal antibiotic use."
Mar 23 Clin Infect Dis abstract


Imported Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever case confirmed in UK

UK officials today reported an imported Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) case involving a woman who had traveled to central Asia, according to a news release from the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA).

The woman was diagnosed at Cambridge University Hospitals and is receiving specialty care at the Royal Free Hospital in London.

Hers is the country's third CCHF case, following imported cases in 2012 and 2014. CCHF is a viral disease typically transmitted by ticks and livestock in endemic nations. Its principal vectors are Hyalomma ticks.

Susan Hopkins, MB BCh, chief medical advisor at UKHSA, said in the release, "CCHF is usually spread by tick bites in countries where the disease is endemic; it does not spread easily between people, and the overall risk to the public is very low." She added that UK officials are contacting those who had close contact with the patient.
Mar 25 UKHSA news release


H9N2 avian flu infects 1 more person in China

China has reported one more H9N2 avian flu infection, in a young girl from Anhui province, Hong Kong's Centre for Health Protection (CHP) said in its latest avian influenza update.

The patient is a 2-year-old girl whose symptoms began on Jan 29. There were no other details, such as whether the patient had contact with poultry before she got sick.

Her illness is part of a small but steady stream of infections in China involving H9N2, a strain that is known to circulate in poultry in parts of Asia. Infections are most common in children, who often have mild disease.
Mar 22 CHP avian influenza update


Three countries report new polio cases

Niger, Nigeria, and Yemen reported a total of seven new polio cases this week, all involving circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 (cVDPV2), according to an update yesterday from the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI).

Niger confirmed 2 cVDPV2 cases whose onsets occurred last year, in Diffa and Tillabery regions, bringing its 2021 cVDPV2 total to 17. Nigeria's 2 cVDPV2 cases were in Niger and Nasarawa states, bringing its number of 2022 cases to 5. Nigeria recorded 415 cVDPV2 in 2021.

Yemen reported 3 new cVDPV2 cases, 1 each in Lahij, Marib, and Sa'dah governorates, bringing its number of 2022 cVDPV2 cases to 16. It has also recorded 3 cases of circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 1 (cVDPV1) this year.
Mar 24 GPEI update

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