"The [Ebola] virus is actually picking up the pace. Even as we add resources, we get farther behind."

"The key piece here is early recognition of an infection. Will people make the connection between travel to West Africa and the possibility the illness the patient is being seen for is due to the Ebola virus?"

"We're as vulnerable globally as our weakest link locally. We need to respond in virus time."

"Once someone hits a healthcare setting, asking about travel history should be a standard question today."

"The only guaranteed solution to ending this Ebola crisis is to develop, manufacture, and deliver an effective Ebola vaccine, potentially to most of the people in West Africa . . . and it is still a long way off."

“How will we contain this virus? I think ultimately it’s going to be vaccine, but that’s many months off. So get ready to deal with this for many more months to come.”

"The current Ebola virus’s hyper-evolution is unprecedented; there has been more human-to-human transmission in the past 4 months than most likely occurred in the last 500 to 1,000 years."

"MSF continues to provide the most honest, blunt, and informed assessment of where we’re at [with the West African Ebola outbreak]."

"I'd be the first one to say close the borders if it worked. . . . The chance

of protecting people from leaving is greater with an open system. The more

transparent you make it, the better you can control it."

"Vaccine and drug treatment right now is not going to be the main way you bring this to a stop."

"Unless we invest more resources in fighting it — and coordinate the response across countries — the [Ebola] outbreak will spread further. If that happens, economic and political chaos could follow."

"A case very well could fly out of Africa, only to be detected in some distant country."

"The safety of labs in this country really needs a risk-benefit analysis."

“It's clear that what the NSABB was, and what it may be will be very different. The billion-dollar question is whether science, the government and most of all, citizens, will be lesser served. I'm afraid so.”

"If we’ve got lab problems in our best labs, does anyone really expect that the other labs of the world are going to do any better in terms of lab safety?”

"The last place you want to be mixing up samples is in influenza. The ability for that to jump from the lab bench to the community is substantially greater."

"We have freezers like this in the world. The likelihood of finding more smallpox virus is real."

"The freezers of the microbiology labs of the world are a lot like the trunks in your attic. When you open them up, sometimes you are surprised."

"If this type of problem can happen at a CDC lab, it points out the issues regarding gain-of-function lab accidents."

"From talking to people inside the Kingdom right now, I'd say there is a very new sense of transparency in the last few weeks."