Robert J. Roos, MA

Editorial Consultant

Mr. Roos is an editorial consultant for CIDRAP. He joined CIDRAP at its inception in September 2001 and was the editorial director starting in 2008, until his retirement in early 2015. Mr. Roos is a seasoned medical editor and writer who enjoys the challenge of sifting the wheat from the chaff in medical news and presenting complex information in accurate, understandable language. After 10 years as a newspaper reporter and editor, he earned a master's degree in science journalism at the University of Minnesota. He worked for 14 years at McGraw-Hill Healthcare Publications, editing and writing material for The Physician and Sportsmedicine and other McGraw-Hill medical journals as well as health publications for lay readers. In 1999 he joined the dotcom company ican, Inc., a provider of information for infection control and infectious disease specialists, where he wrote breaking news and in-depth feature articles. 

Rober J. Roos, MA

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