Children born in October and vaccinated against influenza in that month are both more likely to be vaccinated against flu and less likely to be diagnosed as having influenza than children born in other months, according to a new study The BMJ.
The observational study is based on insurance records of 800,000 US children ages 2 to 5 years old who received flu vaccines from 2011 to 2018. Researchers analyzed rates of diagnosed influenza among children by birth month, and found that those with October birthdays had the lowest rates.
US children typically visit pediatricians around their birthday each year for well-check visits and routine vaccinations, and children who visit in October were likely offered the seasonal flu shot as it was available. The seasonal shot would not likely be ready for children with spring and summer birthdays, the authors said.
October flu vaccinations were greater in children with October births compared with other birth months, with 48.9% of children born in October were vaccinated in October, compared with 34.0% of children born in August, 40.2% of those born in September, 27.3% of those born in November, and 33.7% of those born in December.
October may be best month to get flu shot
The authors found that 2.7% of children born and vaccinated in October were diagnosed as having flu that season. The percentage rose to 3.0% of those born and vaccinated in August or January, 2.9% of those born and vaccinated in September or December, and 2.8% of those born and vaccinated in November.
This suggests October maybe the optimal time to be vaccinated against the flu.
"Under the assumption that children born in October are otherwise similar to children born in other months, our findings suggest that the specific timing of influenza vaccination among children born in October may lead to lower rates of influenza infection," the authors concluded.
In a Harvard Medical School press release on the findings, senior study author Anupam Jena, MD, PhD, said, "There are a lot of variables when it comes to the timing and severity of flu season or a person’s risk of getting sick, and many of those are out of our control. One thing we have some control over is the timing of the shot, and it looks like October is indeed the best month for kids to get vaccinated against the flu."