Researchers said a drop in sulfur dioxide levels might allow the bacteria to survive longer in aerosolized water droplets.
Chlorination wasn't required for the city's water system, and city officials are developing a disinfection plan and considering their next steps.
State and local officials continue their investigation into the source of infections in Middlesex and Union counties.
Both studies highlight the continued threat Legionella bacteria pose.
EU nations experienced record Legionnaire's disease cases in 2021, likely due to multiple factors.
Nineteen people have contracted Legionella-related pneumonia involving both lungs, and 6 have died.
A study of children hospitalized for community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) found that a shorter course of antibiotics did not increase the odds of treatment failure compared with a longer course, US researchers reported today in the Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society.
A large study to assess if a new guideline recommending live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV, or FluMist) for children over age 2 years with asthma found no increase in lower respiratory events following vaccination. A research team from HealthPartners, a Minnesota-based healthcare and insurance provider, published its findings yesterday in Vaccine.
Researchers at a large tertiary-care teaching hospital in Chicago reported today in Infection Control and Epidemiology that more than a third of healthcare workers were contaminated with a multidrug-resistant organism (MDRO) after caring for patients infected or colonized with the bacteria, and that errors in doffing personal protective equipment increased the risk of contamination.
A new study based on 80,000 children shows no association between prenatal Tdap vaccination (tetanus, diphtheria, and acellular pertussis) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The study is published in Pediatrics.