Ten people have now died in Tanzania's Marburg outbreak.
The 2 positive cases are among 31 samples tested, and officials are considering use of antivirals and experimental vaccine.
So far all 25 suspected case-patients have tested negative for the virus but remain under close surveillance.
Global health groups encourage further follow-up testing and share more details about the initial cases.
Health workers are among the suspected cases, and there is significant cross-border movement between Kagera region and three neighboring countries.
The case-fatality rate was about 23%, which is at the low end of the 24% to 88% range.
Though the funding covers melioidosis and Marburg tests, ASPR said the new capability can be repurposed to develop and produce tests for other biological threats when needed.
Rwanda has now gone more than 3 weeks with no new cases.
The 42-day countdown period covers two virus incubation periods.
The outbreak total now stands at 66 cases, including 15 deaths.