Of the 18 people sickened in this outbreak, 1 person has been hospitalized and no deaths have been reported.
A review and meta-analysis finds that an estimated 1 in 10 children in Ethiopia are infected with Salmonella or Shigella at any given time.
Both fresh whole and sliced cucumbers from Mexico were recalled in a 113-case Salmonella outbreak.
The FDA upgraded a voluntary recall of organic, pasture-raised eggs sold by Costco stores to Class I, the agency's highest risk level, over Salmonella concerns.
Two African countries reported more circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 cases.
Of 33 people interviewed by health officials, 27 (82%) reported eating cucumbers in the days prior to illness.
The first phase of Nigeria's campaign will begin in November, targeting Kebbi and Beyelsa states, where malaria activity is especially high.
Of the 65 people sickened, 24 have required hospitalization.
Illness-onset dates range from March 11 to July 26, with patient ages ranging from less than 1 year to 94.
Tests on turtles or their environments in California and Illinois were positive for one of the two outbreak strains.