The group steered away from defined cutoff points such as "droplets" and "aerosols" that scientists have used to distinguish larger particles from smaller particles.
"What's needed are vaccines that are durable, with a wide breadth of protection."
In the first known estimate of the SARS-CoV spillover risk from bats to people, researchers who studied bat populations in South East Asia and interactions with humans estimate that about 66,280 people a year are infected each year. The team, based at EcoHealth Alliance, published their findings today in Nature Communications.
The corticosteroid dexamethasone was associated with a 56% lower risk of death and intensive care unit (ICU) admission among hospitalized COVID-19 patients and is safe to use in monitored diabetes patients, according to research presented at this week's Society for Endocrinology annual conference in Edinburgh, Scotland.
Patients in Malaysia hospitalized with pneumonia in 2017 and 2018 tested positive for the first human-infecting canine coronavirus.
One expert was skeptical because data are delayed and intermittent.
China reports 688 new cases today, with the head of the World Health Organization en route.
A study of Wuhan's earliest cases details serious SARS-like symptoms and a 15% death rate.
Fourteen health workers are now infected in the 218-case nCoV outbreak.
According to the World Health Organization's (WHO's) online Ebola dashboard, officials in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) tracked one new case of Ebola today, raising the outbreak total to 3,411, including 2,236 fatalities.
A total of 516 suspected cases are still under investigation, and 119 cases are now deemed probable infections.