The United States is using three-strain flu vaccines with the same components as those used in Southern Hemisphere vaccines.
The loss of activity is equivalent to 15% of the US population becoming completely immobile for 1 day.
Adult COVID-19 patients also infected with the flu are 4 times more likely to need mechanical ventilation and 2.4 times more likely to die.
The roadmap offers a powerful opportunity to leverage advances in vaccine science to better protect against influenza, including pandemic flu.
The Influenza Vaccines Roadmaps Initiative newsletter highlights recent news, research, and events pertaining to influenza vaccine R&D.
A database of novel vaccine candidates that are designed to provide broader and more durable protection against influenza viruses.
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The results suggest that the flu virus may have a more specific role in destabilizing and rupturing atherosclerotic plaques, the researchers say.
Influenza B activity is fueling rises in the Midwest and Central regions.
A phase 3 trial of the drug, focusing on the 600-mg dose, is under way.
Flu indicators are rising in some parts of the nation, especially the Midwest and South-Central regions.
The results highlight the importance of supporting older adults so that their decision whether to have surgery isn't based on financial factors, the authors say.
Though H10 viruses have infected humans before, the woman's illness marks the first known case involving H10N5.
In a preliminary flu season severity assessment, the CDC said the season has been moderate.
Activity is rising in Europe and Central Asia, with declines in other regions, including parts of East Asia and the Arabian Peninsula.
Signs are encouraging, though activity sometimes rises again after the holiday period.
The greatest reductions occurred when the breaks coincided with elevated local flu activity.